Wholesaler of Toys, Gadgets, Gifts | DISCOUNTS: from 465 EUR – 3%, from 1,200 EUR – 5%, from 3,500 EUR – 12%, Ask for individual prices for large orders | Earn and attract customers!
Number: 090,31-4068
Condition: 13 szt.
EAN: 4029811465392
Weight: 0,07 KG
Here is the perfect tool for relaxing tense hands and improving circulation! The finger massage ball is a simple yet highly effective gadget that helps reduce stress, improve hand dexterity, and stimulate sensory receptors.
With its protrusions and ergonomic shape, the ball gently massages the fingers, improving their flexibility and circulation, while also providing relaxation. It is perfect for computer users, athletes, and those undergoing hand rehabilitation.
Available in three colors and made of high-quality plastic – ideal for daily use at home, in the office, and while traveling!
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