Wholesaler of Toys, Gadgets, Gifts | DISCOUNTS: from 465 EUR – 3%, from 1,200 EUR – 5%, from 3,500 EUR – 12%, Ask for individual prices for large orders | Earn and attract customers!
Number: 18,085757
Condition: 0 szt.
EAN: 5413247085757
Condition of the product: New
Weight: 0,01 KG
Magical Set of Tattoos with Horses - Joy for Every Girl!
Discover the charm and magic of the world of horses with our set of 6 tattoos! Featuring cartoon horses and related motifs such as horseshoes and obstacles, these adorable tattoos are the perfect way to add a little fun and fantasy to everyday life. The tattoos are in a pink and purple color scheme, making them perfect for little horse lovers.
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